Enroll John Doe in Homeowner X
Marketing ProgramsProspecting › Enrollment

Step 1

Make sure your contact information is updated



Edit Contact Information


Step 2

Review & Agree the upcoming campaign schedule
Cycle Enroll/Cancel Date Mail Date
225 1/20/2011 5/18/2011
226 2/21/2011 5/20/2011
227 1/29/2011 6/15/2011
228 1/26/2011 7/20/2011
229 2/15/2011 6/10/2011

I Acknowledge


Step 3

Enter your desired Zip Codes and get an estimated number of prospects

(comma separated)

Estimate your Number of Prospects

  Result: 1250 Estimated Prospects per Cycle

Step 4

Based on your estimated prospects per cycle please enter your desired quantity of mailings
Desired Quantity:    



Results based on your desired quantity:
› Estimated Cost: $2.00 per Unit
› Total: $1000.00
› Subsidy: 50%
› Net Cost: $500.00 per cycle

Step 5

Agree & Complete Your Enrollment


Complete Enrollment

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