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Start | Search Flights | Flight Availability | Guest Preferences | Flight Summary | Payment |
Select the guest(s) (and specify age range) you would like to reserve a flight for. You can also review itineraries of previously reserved flights. All guests selected must travel on the same flights.
If you need to add guests with a different cruise reservation ID please click on Add More Guests.
Age Policy: Please note that the age range selected must be the age at the time the last flight is completed. If the child is an adult by the time the last flight is taken, the airlines may charge additional fees.
Guest Name Policy: Names must match what appears on the government-issued photo ID for each traveler. Airlines do not allow travelers to change names on tickets after purchase. Itinerary Changes: If your travel plans change and you need a different flight, you can change your flight times, dates, and/or destination by contacting ChoiceAir Customer Service. |
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Round-Trip: | New York, NY (JFK) to Miami, FL (MIA) |
Total includes taxes and fees
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Fuel Surcharge Disclaimer Placeholder [RCCL to provide] |
Why ChoiceAir?
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Select all the guests that you will be paying for using the credit card information below. IMPORTANT: You can use different credit cards to pay for travel. ChoiceAir will prompt you to provide a different credit card if not all guests are selected. Credit Card Information IMPORTANT: Travel partner or travel agency's credit card cannot be used for payment.
Why ChoiceAir?
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